Today marks the one-year mark in our conversation with each other through these Musings. For the past 365 days, I have shared with you my observations on any number of topics and have shared some of my most personal stories and perspectives. Much can be learned of a person from their bookshelf, their anxieties, stories of their youth, their taste in music, their spirituality, their idols, their hopes and their fears. I’ve shared much of this and you’ve learned a little about me (and I about those of you have provided such rich responses).
This began as a love letter from me to my friends, one that might have been delivered in person over a glass of wine or lunch. These have been a way for me to stay in touch and do my part to keep you in touch—with at least one person who cares deeply about the problems and opportunities we face and who cares deeply about you. And welcomes your responses back.
Many of you have answered my musings with recommendations of your own. I’ve shared as many as I could. Others have answered my musings with personal stories of isolation, loneliness and anxiety. I have not (nor will I ever) shared these. This project has been quite the journey for me and has touched others as well. For all who have been sharing these with me for these many days, my profound thanks.
Sometimes it feels like I’ve attached a fire hose to my innermost thoughts and have been spewing them out into the ether for the past 365 days. As I read them over, I find some ideas of which I’m proud, some harsh judgments I wish I could take back, some less than sensitive observations, some turns of phrases I’d like to improve. Sorta like life. Proud of some things, not of others. But they are unadulterated and unfiltered.
Originally, the Musings were intended to truly come “from the bunker.” Back in March 2020, we knew we were going to be hunkering down into our respective bunkers, separated from loved ones, human touch and interactions that were second nature but became verboten. In recent weeks, many of us have received vaccinations; others will be vaccinated soon. Some 20% of the population has been inoculated at least once. I suspect these numbers will continue to increase markedly in the next few months. And so, we begin to emerge as a society from the bunkers we have occupied on and off for the past year. Some ventured out a little early; others await the “all clear” sign from inoculations. But we will never truly be 100% “out of the woods,” at least not for a while.
So what of the Musings from the Bunker? The Musings Project is not over. Now that the days in the bunker are numbered, I intend to scale back from a daily missive to something a bit more manageable (three times a week seems like an easy lift after the frenetic output of the past 12 months). But as a result of this exercise, I intend to continue to be engaged with the world and with you. If there is such a thing as a “calling,” then this is the one for me (beyond, of course, family and friends). I am fortunate to have family I love, friends I love, work that I enjoy, and colleagues from whom I have learned. Working in the non-profit sector to change the world in small ways has been another great love. This latest calling—the Musings—has changed me in a different way and has pointed toward continuation of my ponderings in a different form.
I appreciate that you have indulged me and joined me on this journey. I hope we will continue together for a while longer.
To celebrate one year in the bunker, I have chosen two songs. The first is one that imagines someplace beyond where we are today, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” sung by 30 alumni of Over the Rainbow accompanied by orchestra, all in isolation, with Andrew Lloyd Webber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhz9jkIFYas
The musical Rent gives us the song “Seasons of Love,” expressing the value of each moment, as enumerated by the 525,600 minutes in a year.
This song takes on particular meaning to me, as Brad starred as Mark in Rent during high school. When I close my eyes, it is his voice I hear.
Here is “Seasons of Love,” performed by the Welsh of the West End: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTBrzt0Gb4c. And here is the reunion of the original Broadway cast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoaeKvYg4FA
Its lyrics are beautiful, poignant and appropriate:
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure? Measure a year?
In daylights,
In sunsets,
In midnights,
In cups of coffee,
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in a life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love...
Seasons of love...
Seasons of love...
With warmest regards, humble thanks, and love,