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Musings from the Bunker 11/16/20

Glenn Sonnenberg

Good morning!


If you don’t think it’s time to include civics (or American Government, or whatever you choose to call it) as a mandatory class in high school, you’re not paying attention. We need a well-informed citizenry.

Part of the civics lessons to be taught must include critical thinking and how to recognize truth versus invective and conspiracy when reading the news. It is astonishing the number of conspiracy theories that people believe---QAnon, pedophile rings, massive complex schemes to steal the election, a secret cabal to install Kamala Harris as President, a communist plot to supplant American democracy…it’s crazy.

We need to teach more math and science. It’s a global competition and right now we’re not at the top of the game. Weather, resources, personal health choices, and agriculture should be units studied beyond the basic “hard sciences.” Understanding science, scientific method, and statistics are critical to understanding many of the complex problems and difficult choices that are before us.

And we need the humanities. At the end of the day, our society needs introspection, kindness, analysis, and beauty. Music, theatre, and art provide civilization and, in so doing, a little civility and understanding as well.

That’s it. Off the soap box for now.


I value craftsmanship of any kind. I have little artistic ability and little ability to construct things with my hands. When I see something that is produced with love and care, I stand up and take notice. Well crafted furniture and decorative arts, sleek modern appliances, great woodworking, all of it is terrific.

For my birthday, Andrea gave me a wooden jigsaw puzzle of the Maroon Bells in Aspen. But it’s not just any puzzle. Its wooden pieces are carefully wrought, perfectly cut and vibrant in color. The pieces are meticulously created to become something special. Further, the pieces contain all sorts of “themed” pieces. This is not an ordinary puzzle, but one that is tied to the subject matter. See below the hikers, fish, and animals that populate the Aspen area.

And here it is completed:

Note in the right hand corner, in the sky, the pieces fit together to form the Colorado state flag.


I have twice been tested for COVID at the Veterans Administration property at Wilshire and Veteran. In my latest visit, I came away with several observations:

Covid testing is pretty easy. Really, it’s a snap. Cough a few times, swab inside your mouth, drop the swab in a vial, throw the vial in a bin. In less than 24 hours the results are sent to your email.

Government can do some things pretty well. This was a “drive through” process. It was relatively quick and painless. People were stationed along the route as we wound through the parking lot, providing help and direction. This is the second time recently that I noted government efficiency—the other was when I received an email from the County Registrar, indicating my ballot was received and would be counted! I’m among the first to complain about government’s inability to efficiently deliver services but in these two circumstances, it did great. It is ironic, of course, that voting was so seamless and efficient, yet there rarely has been such uproar about our elections. Food for thought…

We know remarkably little about the Veterans Administration Property. There is a chapel at the front of the property that seems in disrepair. I’m guessing this and other points of interest on the property might be accessible for visits. Why not?

Wow, is this a big property. It is 338 acres in size! That’s nearly FOUR TIMES the size of Disneyland.


It’s finally here and organized (sort of…). This includes many TV options as well. Thanks to those who have contributed. You can find the list here:

Have a great day,



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