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Musings from the Bunker 11/15/20

Glenn Sonnenberg


I suppose our President has achieved something special, even if he didn’t win reelection. He remains the topic everyone is focused on. He has been completely absent from the rising COVID numbers of cases and deaths. He has been systematically firing and pushing people out from key defense and intelligence posts, replacing them with his lackeys. He’s been forcing Republicans to heel in supporting his ridiculous and continued unfounded claims of “massive fraud.” He has taken no action on another stimulus bill. And he’s kept to Twitter—providing a level of entertainment that might make one laugh, if it didn’t actually make us cry……Chris will do a GREAT job! Mark Esper has been terminated…

Usually, I reserve Sundays for the words of our great leader. Today, the words of others, and the damage they cause…


Meanwhile, Lindsey Graham made claims of election fraud (Twitter red flagged this). And Ted Cruz claimed “hearing a lot of allegations of a dead person voted” (Twitter red flagged this)

Finally, in breaking from any sense of statesmanship, decorum, tradition on the political nature of the State Department, Mike Pompeo, our SECRETARY OF STATE, says there will be a “peaceful transition to a second Trump term.”

These people are in positions of authority. Their words have impact. And they have meaning. They are consciously casting doubt, unsubstantiated by facts, on the results of the most transparent election in history, overseen by countless representatives of both parties and the glare of media attention. They do so to kow-tow to Donald Trump, for fear of being called out by him and weakening their standing among their constituents, and are unconcerned that, in their quest to retain power illegitimately, they endanger our democratic processes and the public’s trust in them. Their behavior is shameful.

They will even “eat their own” if it furthers their conspiracy theories. This is from an NPR article summarizing the failures of suits across the country:

“On Monday, Georgia's two sitting Republican senators called for the state's Republican secretary of state Brad Raffensperger to resign after alleging "too many failures in Georgia elections this year" but without mentioning specifics to support their claims, as reported by GPB's Stephen Fowler.”

Raffensperger replied:

"My job is to follow Georgia law and see to it that all legal votes, and no illegal votes, are counted properly and accurately," he said. "As secretary of state, that is my duty, and I will continue to do my duty. As a Republican, I am concerned about Republicans keeping the U.S. Senate. I recommend that Sens. Loeffler and Perdue start focusing on that."


COMMENT #1. Let's differentiate between a racist and a nationalist. Trump is a nationalist. Biden is racist. Never fall for the words... Action always speaks louder.

What does this mean?

COMMENT #2…plenty has been shown… Multiple videos of polling personal filling out ballots, not allowing poll watchers to observe. (Something to hide)..dead people voting in Michigan in mass numbers. Voting counts 100% for biden 0 to Trump break all statistical function. Trump improving among black people nation places like SF, Manhattan, Brooklyn and Chicago Trump improved by at least 5%, but hold and behold in Milwaukee, Atlanta, Detroit and Philadelphia biden got record high numbers. 90+ year old people registered to vote increased 1700% compared to last election...thats sounds legit. sure... dominion software takes 6000 Trump votes and gives them to biden...found and corrected in one county...47 other counties use same software. Also 35 other states.

..Philadelphia has a 95% turnout compared to less than 70 nation wide sure.... basically no doubt of mass corruption just need to find the big fish behind it.

So who is the big fish? We need to know!

COMMENT #3. “1- If you supported the bogus Russian collusion, or the bogus impeachment over a 2 minute phone call, you have no moral standing...

2- If you have not called for Biden family to be investigated for monies received from Ukraine and China, you have no moral standing to comment.

3- If you believe a man who for five decades was shunned by his own party and the rest of the country and who could not gather 59 people at his rallies suddenly got 75 million votes, more than Obama or Hillary, I have a bridge to sell you...

4- If you are telling me that you don't believe in due process owed to 72,000,000 Americans for potential election, you should look inwards before commenting.”

Does this guy understand what “due process” means? Does he understand that rally size is not an indicator of electoral performance (particularly when one candidate chooses to follow COVID-recommended protocols)?


Pennsylvania cases have amounted to nothing, same with Michigan (where the court found “no evidence in support of [the] assertions” in one of the two cases of alleged lack of transparency failed), Nevada (where the Nevada Republican party provided no evidence of “irregularities that have plagued the election” and failed to stop machine signature verification), Arizona (remember the false “sharpie” claim…which the Republicans dropped) and Georgia (where claims that late ballots were counted were shown to be false).

Claim after claim, lie after lie, misleading lawsuit and allegation, one after another. It’s whack-a-mole. The good news is the mole is losing, over and over again…

As Donald Trump continues his mad race to delegitimize the election and fill all posts in the government with sycophants, hopefully the madness over these next ten weeks will not get worse or endanger our democracy more than it already has.


Trump’s Legal Strategy Is to Block Certification of Biden Victory in States

In the meantime, have a good Sunday!



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